FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


If you buy a plugin license you will have for 1 year starting from the purchase date:
  • Download of the plugin
  • Regular updates including bugfixes and new features
  • Email support
Yes. Your plugin will still works after license expires. Instead if you have requested a refund your plugin will no longer work.
No. If your refund has been accepted plugins will no longer work. You are also asked to deactivate and remove the refunded plugins.
Once you have downloaded and installed your plugin:
  1. Get the license key from here
  2. Go to your WP-admin panel
  3. Click on "YourPlugins" on the left menu
  4. You will see the list of our plugins. Paste your license email and license key.

Yes, you can by contacting us. (Example: you want to have support for multiple websites)

You will receive a coupon code that let you upgrade without losing money. The total discount will be:

total_discount = upgrade_price - ((old_price)/365)*days_remaining


Yes. All prices are VAT included.