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  3. Your InvoicePlane & WooCommerce Integration Documentation
  4. Getting Started

Getting Started

In this article I will explain you how to get started using Your InvoicePlane & WooCommerce Integration.

First we’ll see how to configure InvoicePlane and after how to configure your WordPress website.

InvoicePlane Configuration

  1. Append the follow line of code to the last line of your InvoicePlane installation inside the file “/application/config/config.php”: $config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('webservice');
  2. Download the webservice module for InvoicePlane from here.
  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file (webservice.zip) and copy the folder “webservice” to your InvoicePlane inside the folder “/application/modules”

WordPress Configuration

After InvoicePlane configuration is finished you can proceed to configure WordPress:

  1. In your WordPress website install the free version of the plugin from here.
  2. If you have also the Pro version, download it from your My Account Area and install it in your WordPress website.
  3. From your administration dashboard click on “YourPlugins > InvoicePlane Settings”:


  • URL: This is your InvoicePlane URL (Example: htts://yourinvoiceplane.ext). Please don’t use ending slashes (/) after the URL.
  • Username: Your InvoicePlane username
  • Password: Your InvoicePlane password

Click on Save and if everything is ok you will see a confirmation message and new options are shown.

Here are the new available options:

  • Payment Method Mapping: You can map the WooCommerce payment methods with your InvoicePlane payment methods.
  • Invoice Settings [InvoicePlane Group]: The InvoicePlane numeration sequence for invoices
  • Invoice Settings [Send invoice to InvoicePlane]: If yes when a new order is completed on WooCommerce the invoice is generated in InvoicePlane
  • Invoice Settings [Attach PDF Invoice on order completed]: Attach the PDF invoice to the WooCommerce order completed email
  • Invoice Settings [Invoice Filename Prefix]: The prefix of the attached PDF for invoice
  • Client Settings [Post Meta VAT ID]: The name of the WooCommerce custom field for VAT (Example: _billing_vat)
  • Client Settings [Post Meta Tax Code]: The name of the WooCommerce custom field for Tax Code (Example: _billing_tax_code)
  • Quote Settings [InvoicePlane Group]: The InvoicePlane numeration sequence for quotes
  • Quote Settings [Send quote to InvoicePlane]: If yes when a new order is created on WooCommerce the quote is generated in InvoicePlane.
  • Quote Settings [Attach PDF Quote on new order]: Attach the PDF quote to the WooCommerce new order email
  • Quote Settings [Quote Filename Prefix]: The prefix of the attached PDF for quote

Click on “Save” again.

Customer Match

When a new order is sent to InvoicePlane, it is checked if the customer exists or not. The fields used for the match are: First Name, Last Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, ZIP code, Country.

If no records have been found with this info, a new customer will be created.

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